Duration: ½ Day
Overview: Employers have a legal responsibility to employ competent people to act as a fire warden in the event of a fire emergency situation. A Fire warden needs to have a basic understanding of what causes fire, how it spreads, and how it can be controlled. In addition, they need to understand the roles of the fire warden and fire marshal, and to be competent to use firefighting equipment if appropriate to do so.
Who this course is for?
Any Fire warden and competent person carrying out their duties under fire safety legislation.
Benefits of fire warden training to your organisation
Fire warden training will provide you with competent people to ensure that the risk of fire is minimised and that accidents that do occur are dealt with swiftly and effectively, minimising danger to life and property.
• Principles of fire safety
• What fire is and how it spreads
• Preventing fires occurring
• Controlling the effects if they star
• Means of extinguishing fires
• Role of a fire warden and fire marshal
• Emergency procedures and means of escape
• Evacuation of people with disabilities
This course is CITB approved for grant aid to registered companies

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