The Abrasive Wheels Training is a ½ day course for portable grinding machines. This training is conducted on-site and has been designed and structured to comply with the requirements of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) & HS(G)17
Extract from PUWER:
In relation to Abrasive Wheels, PUWER requires among other things, that all machinery is suitable for its intended use, properly maintained and that employees (including those using, mounting and managing the use of Abrasive Wheels) are fully informed and properly trained in their use.
Candidate’s in attendance will gain the following information;
• Applicable Legislation PUWER & HS(G)17
• Machine Types
• Operational Speeds
• Register
• Guarding
• Composition of discs
• Function of Flanges
• Wheel Selection
• Power Saws
• Electricity (if applicable)
• Working conditions
• Practical Demonstration
This training can be delivered either at Bemac Training Ltd in Nutts Corner, Crumlin or on your premises, providing there is suitable facilities. Our tutor will have a supply of machines; however companies are advised to provide their own machinery, ensuring the course can be tailored to the machinery normally used.
This course is CITB approved for grant aid to registered companies.
Delegates who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate, valid for 3 years.

Next available courses:
Please call Bemac for next available course dates